Monday, August 20, 2012

Singleton Class in Java

It was my first interview when I got this question, Can you design a class for which you can create only one object?? At that time it went above my head and then i searched what is this all about and got to know about singleton pattern. In one of my latest interview once again this question was asked but this time it was something like this "Can you design a singleton class??How will you test it??What if I serialize and then deserialize the object, won't it create two different objects??What if we have multiple classloaders?? Lets see.

My first Singleton Class

class Singleton {
    private static Singleton sg=null;
    private Singleton(){
    public static Singleton getInstance() throws Exception{
        if ( sg == null){
            sg = new Singleton();
        return sg;

So far so good!! This example works fine in single threaded programs. Lets take the case of multi threaded programs, I have two threads t1 and t2 who called getInstance() method, t1 came in checked that sg is null by the time it can instantiate, JVM comes in and suspends the thread and starts the t2, t2 comes in checks sg is null creates a new object and returns, JVM brings t1 now since t1 already had checked so it will go for creating the new object and returns it. You are doomed, Your JVM has two instances of a singleton class. So we need synchronization, lets modify our class.

class Singleton {
    private static Singleton sg=null;
    private Singleton(){
    public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() throws Exception{
        if ( sg == null){
            sg = new Singleton();
        return sg;

So multiple threads problem solved, but is everything okay with this class?? Isn't it too expensive to synchronize the getInstance method given the fact that you need it only the first time?? Lets see one more conservative way :

class Singleton {
      public final static Singleton sg = new Singleton();
      private Singleton(){

So we have two options either synchronize the getInstance() or use the above implementation. Next on multiple class loaders and serialization in next post.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


One of the most important testing in software field is Load Testing, everyone wants to know how much  his application can scale, what's the breaking point, is there any memory leak any deadlock happening,
how much cpu is being utilized?? There are lots of ways to generate load and test, but we are not talking about any testing methodologies or any testing tool here, rather we will talk about monitoring. How to monitor a running java application to determine its performance??

One very nice monitoring tool provided by JDK is JConsole. Its a GUI tool which monitors a JVM, all you need is to start your application with jmx management agent and connect jconsole to it. Lets have a look.

How to start JMX Management Agent on an Application

To start JMX agent you need to set following java options before starting application.<some port>

if you want authentication and ssl you need to set following options<some port><path to access file><path to password>

Start JConsole

To start jconsole type jconsole on cmd, make sure JAVA_HOME is set on your machine. You will see something like this on your monitor.


If you have any JVM running local you can see it under local process tab, you can connect directly double clicking the process. 

You can even connect to some remote JVM using host:port combination or using following complete URL  service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://hostName:portNum/jmxrmi 

Start Monitoring

Once you are connected to a JVM you will see four blank graphs, you are done, Now sit back and relax and let your application run(Make some dummy requests, calls to your app). After some time you will see graphs getting generated.

At the top you can find tabs (overview, memory,threads classes, vm summary, Mbeans). These are basically different resources you can monitor. 

Memory Monitoring

Memory tab shows you the heap utilization, you can even select type of memory you want to monitor ie eden space, survivor space, permanent space. If after a long time any memory graph's base line is going up it means your application has a memory leak and it will crash after some time. Usually a memory graph is an up and down graph about a flat baseline. See the graph below

Same you can monitor Threads, CPU utilization, VM summary etc.


Jconsole is not about only monitoring you can even manage your VM. You can even pause your service, perform GC, kill threads. For all the information I suggest play with it. You will enjoy.

When You are done playing with jconsole try to play with yourkit.